Show your love for Blank Space and get rewarded! As a member of our loyalty program, you're more than just a customer – you're part of the Blank Space family. Enjoy exclusive perks and special offers designed to thank you for your continued support. From exciting discounts and early access to new arrivals to invitations to exclusive member events, being a Blank Space loyalty member means experiencing the very best of our brand. Join today and start reaping the rewards of your loyalty. To join, just create an account now or login to your existing account.
Ways To Earn
Make A Purchase
$1 = 1 point
Create An Account
50 points
Like Us On Facebook
20 points
Like Us On Instagram
20 points
Birthday Gift
100 points
Ways to spend
Redeem 250 points
and receive
$5 OFF
Redeem 250 points
and receive
$10 OFF
Redeem 1000 points
and receive
$20 OFF
Yes, your points do expire. To ensure you get the most out of your rewards, remember that your points are valid for 12 months. If you don't redeem them within that time, they'll unfortunately expire.
But don't worry! Every purchase you make resets the 12-month clock, keeping your points alive and ready to be used towards your next amazing find. So, keep shopping, keep earning, and keep enjoying the perks of being a Blank Space loyalty member!
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